Kick off your year with Cotivation




It's January 8th, 2019. Have you lost sight of your New Year's Resolutions already?

Getting resolutions and projects started is usually no trouble at all. That's the exciting part. It's keeping resolutions, actually finishing projects that can be the hard part. We know. We've been there.

Here at Office Nomads we've found a really handy way to help keep ourselves accountable and get to know one another a bit better while we're at it. It's a little program we helped start called Cotivation. Think of it as collaborative motivation – it's a way for members of Office Nomads to come together and help each other go from "I will" to "I did!"

Our Cotivation groups meet weekly over a 5-week period where we talk about goal setting, accountability, motivation, and share all sorts of tips and tricks on how to get things done. It's pretty wonderful and we think you'd dig it too.

So if your 2019 lists are already starting to languish, or, heck, if your 2017 goals need dusting off and revisiting, swing on by and join us. Our next group kicks-off on Monday January 14th.

What are you waiting for? Get in touch with us today and we'll help you get started.