5 Weeks, Endless Wins: Cotivation Begins 12/3

Whatever your goals are, we’re here to help make them happen. (Photo by Andy Aupperlee)

Whatever your goals are, we’re here to help make them happen. (Photo by Andy Aupperlee)

Cotivation is one of Office Nomads’ longest-standing and most rewarding programs. We kicked off our first Cotivation group back in 2013 and haven’t stopped since.

Now in the final month of 2020, it’s time for the year’s last round of Cotivation. In a year where so much feels out of our control, Cotivation can be a great way to grab your intentions by the horns and ride ‘em into the sunset.

We don’t want you to miss it.

Cotivation at Office Nomads
Meeting on Thursdays at 1pm from Dec 3 - Jan 7, 2021.
Open to any member of Office Nomads. Memberships start at just $25/month and cover one full Cotivation series.


Why is Cotivation at Office Nomads so valuable? Let us count the ways:

  1. The addition of just a splash of accountability provided through Cotivation seems to be the fuel required for so many of us to go from “I will” to “I did.”

  2. Supporting each other is a baked-in part of the experience. You got barriers to getting your stuff done? Let the group help you knock those down and move onward.

  3. Through the shared experience, we get to know each other better. We build and strengthen our social bonds.

  4. Weekly work sprints and shared “To-Done” lists help keep us connected in between Cotivation sessions, fueling our progress.

  5. If (or when) the unexpected happens (previous examples include house fires, job loss, family meddling, you name it!), the group is there to help you find your footing and forge a new path forward.

  6. Inevitably someone will start flossing more. Maybe more than one person. Trust us.

  7. You can show up as you are. There are no prizes for having your act together in Cotivation.

  8. Infectious motivation. Watching others get stuff done means we often get more done ourselves.

We could go on and on, but hopefully you get the idea. Better yet, we hope you’ll join us. Save your spot in the next round of Cotivation by hitting the link below.