Switch It Up Special


The fall is here - it is the season of change! Personally it is my favorite season - crisp air, crunchy leaves under foot, apple cider, and enjoying evening campfires outside under the stars. Aaah.The fall also brings with it a desire to transform. Many people are transitioning back to work after a less-work focused summer season, but some are considering big changes. Feeling the need to switch things up. At long last preparing to quit that job and strike out on an independent career. Making plans to go back to school and completely change tracks. Looking for a new gig that comes with more learning opportunities. Or even beginning to plan what retirement could look like.Are you feeling the need to switch it up? We'd love to help!Many people think of coworking communities as places to go when you have everything figured out already. That it's just a place to go when you need an office, and maybe some people to work around and chat to over coffee. But as we say over and over again - coworking has never been about the desk. It's never been about the space. Coworking is about support. Connection. Ideas.If you are looking to switch things up in your world, get on over here. For the entire month of September, let us know what you're hoping to switch up and we'll get you signed up on our Switch It Up Special. For just $30 we'll give you unlimited drop-in days for an entire month. That saves you up to $400 and lands you in a community of fellow coworkers who can help support you as you figure out your next steps. (Notes: you can start anytime in September - it doesn't have to be on the first of the month. For new or returning members only, please.)So here's to the fall and to making the most of it. We hope to see you soon!