Member Profile: Greg Wyckoff


Greg Wyckoff

Member Since: October 2009

Type of Member: Resident

Greg makes the longest trek every day to come to Office Nomads. He makes the journey from Edmonds to Seattle on the the Sounder train, followed by a ride through Seattle in the Metro Bus Tunnel. After about an hour of reading, thinking, working and a little exercise, he arrives at ON ready for the day. Greg sought out Office Nomads to transition from being a stay-at-home dad and part-time web developer to a being a full-time Software Requirements Analyst. It was very difficult to separate his personal time from his professional time, and he knew he needed to move the work elsewhere. Greg found Office Nomads and found somewhere he can “be productive without being part of the machine.” His fondness for the space and the collection of people here are what get him out the door in the morning to start the commute.

Greg lights up when you ask him about Office Nomads. "Office Nomads provides the 'missing pieces' for independent professionals. The perceived opportunity of working independently motivates many to break out of the traditional 9-5 office job. There are many benefits to working "on your own," but it seems that the impact of the energy that comes from interacting with other interesting, lateral thinking, motivated individuals is often overlooked or underestimated. Office Nomads is a unique space that provides an inspiring blend of independence and interaction."

When he does finally make it to Office Nomads, he settles in and gets down to business. With more than 10 years of IT experience, Greg recently started working as an independent consultant for organizations looking to improve their operations through the use of software. He systematically analyzes business objectives and maps processes, looking for opportunities to apply software to increase efficiency and capacity. Greg offers recommendations for software solutions and also manages the execution of projects.

Greg’s path to his current job is a unique, starting with working on his family’s farm in the Yakima Valley. He says he has always been geek at heart. Working on the farm, was involved with several data collection projects: Yield projections, pest monitoring pesticide application tracking, horticultural activity tracking, etc. After completing a Bachelor's degree in Geology at Whitman College, he spent some time in Germany working for a hop grower/processor where his inner geek and farming roots really melded together. Listening to his story of his time in Germany and work history, it’s interesting how those summers working on the family farm really were the foundation for the work he does today.

Outside of Office Nomads, Greg makes sure to spend quality time with his wife and two kids. Weekends often include trips to the pumpkin patch, adventures to the zoo or maybe a father-daughter outing to the climbing gym. It’s fun talking with Greg because there is more than meets the eye: He always seems to have an interest or story you wouldn't expect. To say the least, he’s a great addition to Office Nomads.